Thursday 18 April 2013

I N T R O - R E V E A L

*** This was written 30ish days ago ***

Good morning!

I thought I would share with you a day by day diary of my weight loss journey. (I write this now I haven't started my journey yet but will post it at the end)
I want to record, for 30 days, my exact eating diary along with any form of exercise I do.. not including walking around the office.

My Story:
I had implanon contraception inserted into my arm last Dec 2012. It gave me severe migraines and vomiting for the first 2 weeks and I was fine after. My period came on the 3rd week.. and didn't stop for nearly 8 weeks.
I had had this problem before with implanon. In the 3rd and final year of implanon working, I got my period for 8 months.. why i let it drag on for so long I don't know.
So this time, after 7 weeks, I had had enough and got it taken out asap.
The problem is though, not only did implanon give me my period for so long, it put my appetite out of control. Like those few days before your cycle all you want is chocolate and junk food. This is how I felt every single fucking day.
All I wanted to eat was chocolate, and sitting next to a box of chocolates that sell for $1 at work definitely doesn't help.
It also completely decreased my energy levels. I never had energy in the morning when I woke up or when I got home after work. I stopped riding my bike to and from work and I stopped going to the gym which I had previously going about 4-5 days a week.
I WAS on the road to fit and healthy, until I got implanon put in.
After I had it removed, it still has taken almost 3 weeks for the effects to wear off completely.
Today is probably the first day I could look at that box of chocolate and say NO!
I have a holiday to Nepal and the Philippines coming up in June/July and i WANT to be able to freely share all my pics of me in a bikini on facebook without sifting through the ones i look slightly fat, or bulgy, or bloated in.
I don't want to have to worry when my photos taken about which pose will best hide my stomach.
My sudden burst of motivation today finally was the kick I needed to get my butt into gear!

At almost 25 years old, and the upcoming Phillipines holiday, Ive weighed myself at 82kgs which is my all time heaviest. I know that weight loss isnt so much determined by the number on the scales as muscle weighs more than fat, but my weight is made up of more fat than muscle. (I think so anyway)

So, rather than recording only my weight each time I weigh in, Ill also be adding measurements. Ive taken my starting measurements, all in inches, and my starting weight, and I want to see just how much difference I can make in 30 days, then 60 days, with my clean eating diet which I made myself and will share with you all.
I'm no nutritional expert but I think my eating plan looks pretty damn healthy with a good mixture of protein, veges, natural sugars in fruit, and complex carbs. 

I had no trouble making up meal ideas, but sticking to it we'll have to see.

Firstly, my starting measurements and weight:
Weight - 82kg
Biceps - 11.5 (inches)
Bust - 38.5
Waist - 32
Hips - 38
Thigh - 24

So, tomorrow, Tuesday 19th March 2013 will be THE day I wake up and start my new life style.
I'll make my first diary entry and let the fat loss begin!! (I hope)


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